Truth Be Told Media Network is dedicated to reporting unbiased stories based in truth. We promise to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help us God.
If you are curious about the true story of Joshua Fabia, Diego Sanchez, and the UFC then you are in the right place! TBT is spilling the tea on UFC. TBT network is going to be releasing the tell all on-going docuseries and UFC’s lies will all be exposed.
Bernadette Email Conspiracy
On October 18, 2018 Diego Sanchez’s wife at the time Bernadette Sanchez wrote emails to Dana White (UFC president), Sean Shelby (UFC match maker) and Taylor Price (UFC medical department). She wrote them because she was concerned for Diego Sanchez’s mental health. She said he was “mentally unstable, his behavior was erratic, and he was hearing voices”.
These emails were sent four months before Joshua Fabia ever met Diego Sanchez. No one informed Joshua that Diego was deemed as “mentally unstable”. After the UFC had been informed of this they still continued to sign Diego for four more fights.
The true story behind the "Human Punching Bag” footage
On March 10, 2021 UFC sent a camera crew to film Diego Sanchez and Joshua Fabia to get promo material for Diego’s last fight against Donald Cerrone. Then a couple months later on May 8, 2021 this footage was released on Youtube without context to make it look like Joshua was hurting and abusing Diego.
Diego Sanchez had the longest career out of anyone in the UFC. The collective damage that Diego has collected over his twenty two year fighting career has nothing to do with Joshua Fabia.
Lack of medical attention after Diego’s UFC fight
After many of Diego Sanchez’s fights he has been neglected and left without medical attention for extended periods of time. He has had to wait for hours in the hospital to receive treatment. Unfortunately, this has happened on more than one occasion.
Diego and his ex-wife discuss the difficulties that they endured together because of UFC and the medical system’s neglect.
Diego Sanchez: I chose fighting over my family
Diego Sanchez talks about how he got caught up in the world of fighting and UFC. He prioritized his fighting career over his family. As Diego talks to his ex-wife he reflects on his life as a UFC fighter and regrets his decisions.
The struggles of Diego’s UFC career
Diego Sanchez talks about the struggles of his UFC career with his ex-wife Bernadette. During his career Diego Sanchez would pray for help to win and hoped that God would protect him from brain damage. After Diego got sober he realized that he was praying to God for the wrong reasons.
He had become someone who has perpetuating violence. He had become a role model for others to follow and he was leading them into a world where they were bound to get used and abused.
Diego can’t recognize anyone after a knockout
On November 11, 2017 Diego Sanchez fought Matt Brown. He was knocked out by an illegal elbow to the back of the head. After this fight he went back stage to get medical treatment. His wife and coach were there. He did not recognize them and it took him a while to regain full consciousness. This is a sad but common occurrence in the world of MMA fighting. Many fighters do not talk about the symptoms from their injuries so that they can continue to fight.
A short term side effect of being knocked out is unconsciousness. However, severe injuries can cause lasting effects that vary — including memory loss, paralysis, seizures, and lasting behavioral or cognitive changes — depending on the areas of the brain affected.
Diego Sanchez: CTE and suicidal thoughts
Diego Sanchez explains to his ex-wife Bernadette that he is struggling with addiction. He lost control of himself and at the end of 2020 Joshua Fabia helped him get sober. He admits that he has a hard time remembering things and has had suicidal thoughts.
Diego Sanchez has had a 22 year career as an MMA fighter and had more than 1,000 blows to the head. It is likely that he is suffering from symptoms of brain trauma. Common symptoms of CTE include trouble thinking, memory loss, emotional instability, substance misuse, and suicidal thoughts or behavior.
Many current and former fighters are suffering from brain trauma but no one wants to talk about it because the show must go on, money must be made, and no one wants to lose their job. However, fighter health is more important than any amount of money.
Diego Sanchez: I’m not the only fighter that struggles
Diego Sanchez talks about how he is not the only UFC fighter that struggles. He admits that if you are a fighter for long enough you are going to get messed up. The fighters sacrifice themselves and are always the ones that end up hurt. Many people have been sold the dream that fighting is glorious. In reality it leaves you with permanent damage that cannot be undone.
UFC fighters are modern day gladiators
In Roman times people used to watch gladiators fight to the death. Now, people are watching fighters get hurt. We have all been desensitized to violence. These people are being exploited for violence and for the entertainment of the people.
The health of the fighters is important and it is time for the people to know what really goes on behind the scenes.
Diego Sanchez is addicted to fighting
Diego Sanchez talks about his addiction to fighting. Fighting releases chemicals in the body like a drug. Once the show is over your body wants to feel those chemicals all over again. It becomes addicting and there is nothing that can replace it.
Many fighters develop substance addiction seeking to replace the chemicals that they get from fighting. This has only lead to destruction for countless lives.
Diego Sanchez did steroids in high school
Diego Sanchez has told the whole world for twenty years that he won the New Mexico high school state championship in wrestling with hard work and prayer. The real reason why he won the championship was because he did steroids.
He confesses that he wanted to be accepted in high school. He fell in with the wrong crowd and ended up working out with another student named Nick Warren. Nick found steroids for Diego and himself. They did a cycle of steroids before Diego’s senior year and as a result Diego won state.
Diego Sanchez’s ex-wife “doesn’t” threaten custody
In May 2021 Diego Sanchez stopped fighting for the UFC. Joshua Fabia ran a drug rehabilitation for Diego Sanchez so that he could get sober in private. Diego has struggled with substance abuse for the past 20 years. Part of Diego getting sober was making amends with those that he had hurt. Diego met up with his ex-wife Bernadette to apologize.
He spoke with Bernadette about his struggles not only with substance abuse but with his mental state. He tells her that he plans on getting his brain tested. After he tells her this she informs Diego that if he is deemed as “mentally ill or mentally incompetent” that Diego’s daughter can be taken away. She then says “that’s not a threat”.
If you tune into our other videos you will see the real character of Diego’s ex-wife.
Diego Sanchez apologizes to his ex-wife
During his time in UFC Diego Sanchez prioritized his career over his family. After Diego gets sober in 2021 he meets up with his ex-wife Bernadette to apologize to her for how he treated her.
Unfortunately, being in the UFC can be all consuming. Diego Sanchez was in the UFC for 19 years and fighting is all that Diego has ever known. It has consumed him in more ways than the public knows. Stay tuned for the full behind the scenes story.
Joshua Fabia gets assaulted
Back in June 2020 Joshua Fabia was assaulted by a former MMA fighter named James Raborn. Diego Sanchez and Joshua Fabia were out celebrating because Diego had been signed for his fight against Jake Matthews in Abu Dhabi.
While they were out Diego Sanchez spots two of his high school friends James Raborn and Nick Warren. Diego invites them over to his and Joshua’s table. Diego asks Joshua to tell the two friends a story. As Joshua is telling this story he illustrates it with James Raborn. Raborn is sitting and Joshua is standing. Suddenly, without provocation Raborn then grabs Joshua’s arm and wraps himself around Joshua in a triangle choke. As they both fall to the ground Joshua’s leg is trapped underneath Raborn’s chair. All of the ligaments get torn in Joshua’s knee, he ends up having internal bleeding, and one of his bones gets fractured.
Joshua has to stay in the hospital for two days with the possibility of amputation. However, he is eventually released and ends up healing himself and going on to do a full training camp for Diego. James Raborn goes around town bragging that he had “kicked Joshua’s a** in a bar". Joshua ended up filing an official report with APD for the assault with Diego as his witness. At the time of the assault there had been slander out on Joshua’s name and his company. It is possible that James Raborn had seen this slander and acted violently as a result.
Joshua Fabia’s hospital visits after knee injury
In June 2020 Joshua Fabia was assault by James Raborn. His knee was injured severely and he had to stay in the hospital for two days. He almost had to have his knee amputated. However, he was released and with a knee brace and ended up healing his knee himself. Two weeks later he started training Diego Sanchez to prepare him for his fight against Jake Matthews.
Joshua Fabia has balls
Joshua Fabia is a whistle blower against the UFC. He has brought light to many issues including fighter health, CTE, and some of the questionable business practices of the UFC. As a result of speaking up he has been targeted. However, he pursues the truth and brings light to what needs to be exposed. Joshua Fabia has courage and he has balls.
Joshua is going to win
Back in 2021 Joshua Fabia requested Diego Sanchez’s medical records from the UFC. After doing that he experienced a lot of push back from the UFC. Eventually Joshua and Diego found out that Diego’s ex-wife had Diego’s medical records all along.
When Diego asked for his medical records from his ex-wife she said that Diego’s lawyer would have to contact her. Why so much push back and secrecy to hide Diego’s medical records from him?
Joshua advocated for and protected Diego Sanchez for the duration he was coaching and managing him. Joshua is someone who will stick up for those who really need it. It’s what he did then and what he will continue to do.
Joe Rogan and Hollyweird
Many of you out there might not be aware of the history of Joe Rogan. Joe Rogan has transformed over time. Before he was involved with the UFC he was a slender man with a full head of hair. Over time he has grown in size, his voice has changed, and he has lost his hair.
In this rare piece of footage Diego Sanchez tells a story about how he goes to Hollywood to do a photoshoot for the cover of Black Belt magazine. This was back in 2005 shortly after he had won the Ultimate Fighter. During the photoshoot Diego says that the male photographer was flirting with him. After the photoshoot the photographer shows him pictures of Joe Rogan that Diego describes as gay. Take a look for yourself.
Diego Sanchez’s sexual trauma brought to light
Diego Sanchez has had some very traumatizing sexual experiences over his life. Starting from his first sexual experience. He was still a boy and was not ready to have sex. From then on he continued to force sexual experiences in order to try and feel like a normal person.
Jump ahead to when Diego had just won The Ultimate Fighter Show. After the filming was completed Dana White took him and the other fighters out to Chuck Liddell’s favorite strip club- Cheetah’s.
Diego is approached by an asian stripper and she invites him back to her hotel. Diego finds out later in the night that she is a transgender man. This experience leaves him traumatized once again and makes him question himself.
After Diego is signed with the UFC he ends up dating three ring girls. If you look at the situation it appears as if possibly Diego is being given the “girlfriend experience” by these women. How many fighters have dated ring girls over the years?
Most recently Diego Sanchez married a woman named Bernadette back in 2011. For the duration of their marriage and even after they got divorced Bernadette has manipulated and used Diego.
At the end of the day Diego Sanchez has been traumatized and manipulated by women (namely his ex-wife) and possibly also by the UFC. It is unfortunate and Diego is not the only one.

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